How To Develop A Strap-line Slogan For Your Business

Aug 9, 2017 | Business Marketing | 0 comments

strap-line slogan

Strap-Line Slogan

A strap-line slogan is one of the most important messages in any business. It’s a message you need to create for your marketing purposes. When properly developed, a strap-line slogan is one of the things people are more likely to remember apart from your business name. You can use it in your marketing strategies to drive a simple, compelling message in the minds of your customers. If done well, it sticks there forever.

What’s a Strap-Line Slogan?

A strap-line slogan is a brief one-line statement about your business that captures the essential characteristic of your unique selling proposition (USP) and carries the value you promise to make to your clients. You, therefore, develop the strap-line slogan from your USP. Remember that the USP is what makes your business unique from others that offer similar products or services. It differentiates your business from others.

When I started my stamp business in 2008, I wanted to tell my potential customers that the stamps I made were of high quality compared to the ones that were on the market at the time. That’s what I thought differentiated me from other stamp makers. Initially, I developed a strap-line slogan that reads “A great way to high-quality services”.

When we eventually ventured into laser engraving, we started making real products. We realised that by just talking about quality services, it was no longer catchy and meaningful since every business aims at offering quality services. Based on that realisation, we changed it to “Turning Images Into Real Objects” because that’s what we do currently.

Have you ever noticed that all successful businesses have a strap-line slogan? I have come across slogans like in the examples below:

PC World – the best of both worlds

Honda – the power of dreams

Brother – at your side

SOS Children’s Villages (international) – A loving home for every child

Orange – Internet Everywhere

Toyota – Let’s go places

Coca Cola – Welcome to the Coke Side of Life

A company may change its strap-line slogan many times in a lifetime. Usually, companies do it to make it relevant to customers. For instance, Coca Cola has changed its strap-line slogan about 59 times since 1886. But out of those slogans, only 2 of the most memorable slogans have helped to define the Coca Cola brand. These are “It’s the Real Thing” and “I would like to buy the World a Coke”. You can also change your strap-line slogan to make it more relevant and memorable.

Why Do You Need a Strap-Line Slogan?

People are likely to remember your business if you have a strap-line slogan. The only things people remember about your business are your business name and strap-line slogan. These drive a simple memorable message into their minds. It’s the primary reason why you need it for your business.

How Do You Develop a Slogan?

The following ten steps may help you to create an effective strap-line slogan.

#1- Use a flipchart hung on the wall if you are doing the exercise as a team. But if you are alone, a piece of paper can also do)

#2- Keep in mind your unique selling proposition (USP) and what you have done on your brand image. Equally important, focus on the reasons why people may buy from you!

#3- Develop a list of the values they might need satisfying when they buy from you.

#4- Write down on the flip chart all the words as you brainstorm. It’s good to write them in different coloured pens.

#5- Try to link the words in various combinations to get the message they send to the clients.

#6- Have a break to relax your mind. It helps to refresh your memory so that when you return to continue with the exercise, you can see things from a different perspective.

#7- After the break, begin by testing the combination of words you have created for your strap-line slogan using the test questions below.

  • Does the combination of words communicate your USP?
  • Does it convey the value of what you offer to your clients?
  • What does it promise to your customers?
  • Is the combination appealing to the people?
  • How well does it work with your brand image and your business name?

#8- After the testing stage, you may have one or two different combinations of words left through the elimination method. Leave them for some days to see if you could get more inspiration.

#9- Test the slogan you have created with some of your customers or team members.

#10- If it passes the final test, then it’s ready to be used in your promotional strategies.

How Do You Use Your Strap-Line Slogan?

Once you develop your strap-line slogan, you should use it together with your logo on anything you use to communicate with your clients. You may use it in the following ways:

  • Use it on all your marketing and business literature.
  • Integrate it in your email signature so that it appears in every email you send out.
  • Let it appear on your website.
  • It should also appear in your advertising.


A strap-line slogan is so essential in business. Every business, whether small or big, home-based or not, should have it. It helps a lot in marketing your business effectively.

An effective strap-line slogan must be memorable, short and concise. Secondly, it must stand out from the crowd. Thirdly, it must communicate the value or benefit that satisfies your customers when they buy from you. Fourthly, it must capture your main business strength and also speak the language that people will relate to you. It’s essential to use it with your business name and logo. Then, it must create a positive association. And finally, a successful strap-line slogan must communicate the heart of your business brand.

Do you have a strap-line slogan for your business? What is it?

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